Gotham Transcription

Media Transcritpoin

FILM, Video, and Television transcription That stays on script (unless YOU DIDn’t)

 Muffled mic? Overlapping dialogue? Ad libs that deserve to be preserved?  From Cinema Verité to complete scripted episodes, we transcribe it all quickly and accurately, complete with time codes, in order to create a useful script for your production.

Media Transcription for the Pros, by the Pros

Time Codes

We know they’re essential. We can add codes based on the running time of your sound or video file, the SMPTE recorded on the left channel of your audio file, the embedded time code on WAV files, or the Visual/Burnt-in time code on video files.

Individualized Service

Our production team will oversee a team dedicated to getting your transcript in the shortest time possible, and provide a convenient, amazingly friendly point of contact throughout the process.

Fast Turnaround

Our Information Scaffolding System allows us to share your job among a team of expert transcriptionists for fastest possible processing. We offer several turnaround options, including same-day rush with availability.


Upload with our form, send us an email, call us, or a link to your file. Let us take care of the formatting, or send us a template to follow. Whatever you need, we’ll make it as easy as possible for you.

  • Film, including vérité
  • Completed film / Television / Movies / Episodes
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Panel discussions
  • Meetings
  • Rehearsals
  • Table reads
Since our first interaction, Gotham Transcription has provided incomparable service — reliable, speedy and professional to a t. As the largest classical music publication in North America, Opera News produces content for a niche industry that uses its own unique lexicon: without fail, Gotham Transcription has given us exceedingly accurate transcriptions in record time. We cannot recommend them enough.

– Adam Wasserman, OPERA NEWS
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